I hold an MBA and Master of International Communication have +20 years of experience in leadership and consulting roles in both national and international organisations. I specialise in driving complex business and organisational transformations and have extensive experience in strategy development and implementation. As an advisor, manager and specialist, I have worked more than 10 years with value-creating asset management in a lifecycle perspective within both public companies and large private asset owners and use that knowledge actively when advising on the development and operation of infrastructure.
When I'm not at work
At the top of my list of priorities is my family. I lead an active life with lots of exercise, winter bathing, yoga, travel, gastronomic adventures, cultural experiences and a mantra of lifelong learning. In addition, I continuously tick off my bucket list with activities that give me peace of mind and challenge my body and mind.
Core competenciens
I excel at deciphering complex environments and problems and quickly create measurable results through structured processes, strong communication and an inclusive approach. My core competencies are:
• Asset management
• Strategy development and implementation
• Business and organisational development
• Operating model design