Lasse Høilund


+45 61200781 ,


I advise public companies on both large and small procurements. My experience ranges from small below threshold procurements and mini-tenders to major EU tenders. I deal with both the organization and execution of tenders under The Public Procurement Directive, The Utilities Directive and The Defence and Security Directive.

I see it as my most important task to meet clients at eye level and help them achieve their goals and visions in a timely, legal, and cost-effective manner.
Lasse Høilund

When I'm not at work

I love spending time with my friends and family. I enjoy going to concerts and eating out at restaurants. I also like to go for a run or two a week and follow football, cycling and Formula 1 on the sidelines. 

Core competencies

I strive to listen to the clients and understand their needs, and then act in the direction of realising those needs. My core competencies are:

  • Organisation and execution of EU procurement
  • Project management