Dorte-Lene Bacher


+45 26845134 ,


With over 25 years of experience in data application and mathematical modeling, I now support our customers in data-based business development. I have worked in organizations with technical facilities and have served as a program manager, project manager and as a leader of highly specialized teams. I have extensive experience navigating politically complex environments and have theoretical and practical experience in Asset Management. 

Like Dan Turèll, I love everyday life, most of all I love everyday life... and in many of my projects I work to change everyday life - the working day - for others. Success is for them to love their everyday life too, when we're done.
Dorte-Lene Bacher

When I'm not at work

I love walking and running in the woods. Time with family and friends is priceless, and as another creative break from work, I like to knit a sweater a month - it keeps me relaxed and sharp. 

Core competencies

I am analytically strong and holistic in my approach to tasks. I actively use my communication skills when working at all levels of an organization. My core competencies are: 

  • Asset Management
  • Data Management
  • Advanced Analytics