Enhance your Supply Chain with Professional Supplier Collaboration

By Jess Friis, December 2023


Engaging in Supplier Collaboration as a discipline necessitates a profound comprehension of the mechanisms fostering cooperation with one's strategic suppliers. This article delves into the advantages of Supplier Collaboration over the conventional arm's length principle, drawing on my consultancy experience across various industries.

Challenges of the Arm's Length Principle

In traditional subcontractor relationships governed by the arm's length principle, a distinct separation exists between the buyer and seller. These relationships typically involve the company soliciting bids from multiple suppliers, often opting for the most cost-effective solution (Competition-based Outsourcing). Contracts are generally short-term, concentrating on specific transactions or projects, with minimal collaboration or information exchange beyond what is essential for fulfilling the order or transaction. While effective in certain scenarios, the arm's length principle introduces several limitations and challenges, including a lack of flexibility, limited innovation, a short-term focus, weaker supplier relationships, and reduced risk sharing.

Why Companies Thriving in the Long Term Prioritize Supplier Collaboration

Supplier Collaboration is a strategic approach that aims to forge deeper, more integrated partnerships between companies and their subcontractors. This methodology acknowledges that robust, collaborative relationships can yield substantial mutual benefits. Below is an in-depth exploration of how supplier collaboration functions, with examples illustrating enhancements in innovation, efficiency, and risk management.

  • Integrated and Mutually Beneficial Relationship: Supplier Collaboration commences with transparent and candid communication. Sharing insights into business strategies, market trends, and future objectives enables companies and suppliers to better comprehend each other's needs and challenges. The collaboration is geared towards shared objectives, potentially encompassing sustainability initiatives, quality enhancements, or innovation projects, benefiting both parties.
  • Long-term Engagement: Contrasting the arm's length principle, Supplier Collaboration emphasizes enduring relationships, fostering deeper understanding and trust, which is pivotal for effective collaboration.
  • Shared Risk Management: Close collaboration allows companies and suppliers to more adeptly identify and manage risks, including shared responsibility for navigating supply chain disruptions or market fluctuations.

Examples of Improvements:

  • Increased Innovation: Through intimate collaboration, companies and suppliers can jointly develop new products or refine existing ones, harnessing the supplier's expertise for more innovative solutions. Suppliers might introduce novel technologies or processes, enhancing production methods or product quality.
  • Higher Efficiency: Collaborative efforts can streamline supply chains, for instance, through improved inventory management or optimized logistics. Close cooperation helps pinpoint and diminish waste in production, yielding cost savings and heightened sustainability.
  • Lower Risk: In disruptive scenarios (like pandemics or natural disasters), robust collaboration aids in swiftly adapting supply chains and devising alternative strategies. Sharing information about forecasts, market trends, or potential hazards enables both parties to prepare better and respond proactively.

Supplier Collaboration cultivates a more resilient, innovative, and efficient business landscape. By nurturing strong supplier partnerships, companies not only enhance their immediate supply chain but also drive sustained growth and innovation.


In an era of ever-evolving markets and technologies, companies must reevaluate and adjust their subcontractor strategies. Transitioning from an arm's length approach to a Supplier Collaboration model empowers companies with greater flexibility, innovation, and enduring success. This strategy is not merely a response to current challenges but a forward-thinking approach to ensure sustainable growth and competitiveness in the future.

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