System portfolio analysis gave public sector customer a foundation for operationalizing new strategy

A client from the public sector worked with us to carry out a comprehensive analysis of their system portfolio, which became the basis for an eight-year migration roadmap for future IT solutions.



The client is a public organization that purchases, manages, operates and further develops stable IT solutions and infrastructure for the benefit of citizens and businesses. The customer's main task is to expose common IT solutions to competition to create increased competition and better IT solutions.

In connection with the roll-out of a new business strategy, the client wanted to establish a common IT operating platform for the public sector's specialized systems. Initially, the common operating platform would focus on operations and management and in the long term, the desire was to expand to joint application maintenance and development.


The client wanted to tender for a new operating platform, but it was unclear what requirements should be included in the tender and what technical foundation should make up the platform.


The purpose of A-2's involvement was to conduct a preliminary analysis of the system portfolio in order to identify the most suitable system candidates for the initial tender of an operating platform.

Approch & Results

A-2 conducted and managed the design, execution and evaluation of a complete system portfolio analysis of all the client's IT solutions. The analysis methodology utilized a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods that constituted the initial analysis of the migratability of the applications. Follow-up interviews were then conducted with system managers, system architects, and business managers for each system to collaboratively assess the opportunities, limitations, and value of a subsequent migration. A-2 analyzed the costs, risks, contractual, environmental and business conditions associated with the client's portfolio of systems against their derived business value and ability to be run on a common operating platform.

All systems were evaluated in terms of their business and technical value and costs to determine whether they should be migrated to a common operating platform. The analysis clarified commercial and technical issues as well as the options for re-tendering, migration or transformation. A-2 prepared decision scenarios and recommendations for the migration of six systems and an eight-year roadmap for the further migration and tendering of an operating platform.

Key results

  • System portfolio analysis
  • Decision scenarios
  • Migration roadmap

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