How we optimized processes and reduced risks with the ERP upgrade at Maxi-Zoo

We led Maxi Zoo's ERP upgrade, ensuring a smooth transition and minimizing risks. Successful go-live without delays or budget overruns.



Maxi Zoo had initiated an ERP upgrade as the existing system would soon be unsupported, while the system in some areas limited the company's optimization and development opportunities. Due to the integration of an acquisition, the company decided to postpone the project.


When looking to restart the project, Maxi Zoo needed a project manager who could ensure control and relieve a busy organization. Maxi Zoo wanted a 'one-to-one' upgrade of the existing system, and had therefore not worked with an actual requirements specification. The purpose of the project was partly to ensure a smooth upgrade with minimal effort, while getting as close to a standard as possible.


The purpose of the project was partly to ensure a smooth upgrade with minimal effort, while getting as close to a standard as possible. Because of A-2's insight into the business, they were involved as project manager.

A-2 provided governance and risk mitigation from a complex project and ensured the project was completed with manageable challenges at go-live
Bo Demand, CEO MaxiZoo Denmark

Approach & Results

Initially, A-2 developed a requirements overview to ensure a management tool for internal alignment of expectations and management of the technical supplier. A-2 then designed a project in which the business was involved first in the analysis phase and then the configuration and testing phase. In these sessions, A-2 helped manage the translation of requirements to solution, clarifying what needed to be executed and which previous standards could be used in the new ERP system. In addition, A-2 acted as project manager during the hypercare period to ensure risk minimization in relation to user usability and satisfaction with the system.

Satisfying go-live and minimizing postponement risks

A-2 contributed to Maxi Zoo achieving a satisfactory and controlled go-live, after a few postponements. A-2's presence throughout the process also contributed to a significant reduction in the risk of further overruns in the project implementation schedule and budget.

Maxi Zoo is now able to continue working on their various optimization initiatives, many of which depend on or are influenced by the ERP system.

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