Contract renewal during COVID lockdown: Success without price increase

During the COVID lockdown, several of the customer's contracts had to be changed due to the execution period. We ensured the execution of change contracts without price increases.



In connection with the lockdown in Denmark due to COVID-19, the audit period for a certain CHP plant was postponed. In this connection, several of the customer's contracts had to be changed due to the execution period. 


The client wanted help with negotiations and drafting of change orders for all affected contracts. The tenders consisted of procurement of both goods, services and works both above and below the threshold values. The tenders were conditional on a short deadline in relation to the planned outage time at the plant and thus the possibility to complete the projects. 


The purpose of the project was to assist the customer in preparing a procurement strategy that would allow the services to be procured before the audit period. Furthermore, A-2 was to continuously update the procurement plan (annual wheel) for reporting to the steering committee.

Approach & Results 

A-2 participated in all tender processes as the tenderer responsible for the implementation of the project, including market dialog, ensuring compliance with procurement law, preparing all technical tender documents, choosing the procedure, setting deadlines and planning for overlap between tender packages. overlapping of tender packages, preparation and quality assurance of the evaluation model, criteria and weighting, conducting the tender through the tendering system, conducting negotiation meetings, handling questions and answers, preparing the evaluation report and award and rejection letters.

With the support of A-2, the customer secured the execution of the necessary modification contracts for a lifetime extension of the CHP plant. In addition, A-2 ensured that the modification contracts were carried out without price adjustments, much to the customer's satisfaction.

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