Merged and strengthened: leadership development drives success at Novo Nordisk

We and FK Select helped Novo Nordisk effectively merge two departments, create a common identity and strengthen the management team.



Novo Nordisk was about to merge two departments. The company wanted a foundation for a successful combined department and management team.


Novo Nordisk was facing a merger of two departments, both with different cultures and ways of working. The company wanted to build the foundation for a successful department and establish a strong management team with a common identity, thus creating development for management, both as individuals and as a team.


The aim of the project was to create a common departmental identity, language and goals, and to ensure common expectations and mutual respect. In relation to this, the company also wanted to improve consistency in management methods.

Because the workshops were so well-prepared with no idle time, management moved several months ahead per workshop
Jacob Hyllested-Winge, Vice President

Approach & Results

Because successful change starts with a strong and united leadership team, A-2 together with FK Select have developed and facilitated a process for both shared leadership and individual leadership development in order to:

  • Establish common purpose
  • Ensure shared expectations and mutual respect
  • Helping to ensure personal development
  • Develop a common identity and language
  • Set clear roles, responsibilities and ways of working
  • Improve consistency in management practices

FK Select led the individual development, while A-2 led the team development and was overall responsible for the project.

Efficient merging

A-2 ensured the effective management of the merger, with the leaders standing as a unified leadership team with a shared understanding and view of change and success. A-2 crafted customized development for each director that promoted their collective success as a leadership team by building on individual strengths. A-2's use of well-executed workshops quickly moved the leadership team forward while minimizing the time required for the overall go-live.

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