We ensure Energinet's strong and efficient tendering process

Energinet, a public company, sought procurement support. A-2 was the primary supplier on the framework agreement since 2015, focusing on procurement consultancy and coordination for efficiency and quality.



Energinet is an independent public company. Energinet owns and develops the electricity and gas grid in Denmark to integrate more renewable energy, maintain security of supply and ensure equal market access to the grids. As part of its activities, the company has a wide range of supply-related activities that affect a large target group.


Energinet needed support for all tender activities from the organization's request for tender support to awarding and signing the contract.


Since 2015, A-2 has provided procurement support and advisory services to Energinet. The framework agreement covers all procurement-related activities, including assistance in contract law, contract management, consulting, procurement analysis, preparation of requirement specifications and coordination throughout the procurement activity. The framework agreement was renewed with re-tendering in 2020, where A-2 was again selected as the primary supplier.

Approach & Results

As part of the deliveries, A-2 has conducted market dialogues, prepared a procurement strategy for each procurement, adapted the tender documents to the current purpose, been responsible for all tender documents, including tender conditions, contract notice and tender list, as well as commercial and procurement quality assurance of the requirements specification in collaboration with Energinet's own legal staff. A-2 has also been responsible for conducting negotiations in the tenders, including preparation of negotiation strategy.

A support in national and international sourcing

A-2 has supported Energinet with a wide range of procurement and tendering activities, including participation in large, critical national and international infrastructure projects as well as other tasks related to improving the customer's central and supporting procurement processes.

Quality assistance in all tender-related activities

A-2 has provided assistance in improving/reconciling the customer's central and supporting management processes, organization, structures and staffing in the form of sparring, advice and development of processes and document management and their use in connection with the implementation of tenders.​

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