Data-driven transformation: Data management excellence in a large utility company

With our help, a utility company quickly established a new data management function. The result is a solid data management function, early dialog with the business and practical tools for data governance.



The customer is a leading Danish utility company that is realizing its ambition to become a digital and data-driven company. In this connection, a new data management function was created in the company's digitalization unit.

To facilitate a quick establishment of the data management function, the company decided to involve A-2's expertise.

Approach & Results

We recommended a use-case driven approach rooted in the needs of the business. Therefore, a dialog with the business about opportunities and initiatives was established from the start. Based on this, projects were identified in the business where the data management function contributed with sparring and advice.  

In parallel, a data management governance and a framework with processes, policies and practical tools for improving data quality was developed.

The approach to data management was also based on the fact that data management is a task and a responsibility that must be carried out by the entire company and not just seen as a matter for specialists in the data management function.

Establishing a solid foundation for the Data Management function

The result of the project was a rapid establishment of a solid foundation for the customer's new Data Management function. Early on, a dialog was established with the business about challenges and opportunities and collaboration on concrete data management initiatives. The customer was equipped with a toolbox containing concrete tools for developing processes for data quality and data governance as well as insight into the pros and cons of different data management approaches. 

Key results

  • Support for the establishment and development of a new Data Management function 
  • Developed vision and principles 
  • Scenarios for different approaches to Data Governance and Data Management
  • Data Management roadshop and dialog with the business
  • Developed data sharing strategy
  • Contribute to the implementation of data agreements 
  • Creation of practical Data Management package including processes and templates

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